Monday, September 28, 2009


I do think wisdom falls in that category of things that God gives and yet things we also work for. How do we work for wisdom? We work for wisdom by watching for wisdom. Let me give you just a few statements that some people made about wisdom. A man named Bruce Waltke said “wisdom is skill in the arts of living.” Alvin Plantinga said “wisdom is the knowledge of God’s world and the knack of fitting oneself into it.” The Bible states how the world is, not how it ought to be.

How do you gain wisdom? You gain wisdom by:
1. watching, by watching the world, by observing the world,
2. asking God to help you see the world rightly because it is possible to see it wrongly.
3. watching the wise. James 3:13 says those who are wise will show it by their beautiful lifestyle.

Dr Dan Doriani

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